Microservices in Go: Use Go to Build Scalable Backends by Matthew Campbell
Microservices in Go: Use Go to Build Scalable Backends
Matthew Campbell
Page: 400
Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
ISBN: 9781491942550
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
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Microservices in Go teaches you how to handle advanced server side development in Go; it uses microservices to accomplish this, but is relevant to all server-side developers. The author gives you tips on how to deploy Go apps to popular cloud platforms like Amazon, Google, and Digital ocean. The book has a lot of meaty chapters, including: Queuing architectures such as Kafka, and how to practically use them Influxdb, and how to monitor production systems with metrics How to use Docker to make deployments simpler Using ETCD/Consul to do service discovery and automated failover of mysql/redis Building mobile clients on IOS and Android
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So we built apps using Ruby on Rails on AWS and we got some great clients. And it's all powered by Go on the backend. In retrospect, it was a great decision to choose Go as it's allowed us to build great products, to grow and scale, and attract grade A The Ephemeral Life of Dockerized Microservices.
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Let's start by going through what micro-services and events mean and principles by-the-book in your project in order to make use of events. Using events such as UserCreated makes our backend code better in many ways. The busiest services will go to heavier machines and the ones used less can
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Microservices in Go: Use Go to Build Scalable Backends by Matthew Campbell, 9781491942550, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
Microservices in Go - O'Reilly Media
Use Go to Build Scalable Backends Microservices in Go teaches you how to handle advanced server side development in Go; it uses microservices to
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Web Development with Go will teach you how to develop scalable real-world web app which can be used to build scalable real-world backend services in Go.
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Titel : Microservices in Go: Use Go to Build Scalable Backends. Autor: Matthew Campbell. EAN: 9781491942550. ISBN : 978-1-4919-4255-0. Format
Microservices in Go: Use Go to Build Scalable Backends: Matthew
Microservices in Go: Use Go to Build Scalable Backends [Matthew Campbell] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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